BunnyPark Weekly Events: XDOGE BlindBox by BunnyPark SaaS Incubator + BP Locked CropPool Launched + 635,784 BP from Repurchase Program Burned + CAKE CropPool Output Reduction + 2nd Week of BP Repurchase Completed

4 min readOct 16, 2021


BunnyPark Weekly Events: XDOGE BlindBox by BunnyPark SaaS Incubator + BP Locked CropPool Launched + 635,784 BP from Repurchase Program Burned + CAKE CropPool Output Reduction + 2nd Week BP Repurchase Completed

BunnyPark is right on track with its development. Apart from CryptoPlanet and Angel_NFT, BunnyPark SaaS Incubator will also be incubating XDOGE BlindBoxes (more on that later). Let’s recap on the exciting events that have happened this week.

9th October to 15th October Event Highlights:

▪️ XDOGE BlindBoxes to be incubated by BunnyPark SaaS Incubator (12th Oct)

▪️ BP Locked CropPool Launched (13th October)

▪️️ 635,784 BP repurchased with Team’s fund burned (14th October)

▪️️ CAKE CropPool output reduction (14th October)

▪️️ Second week of BP repurchase with Team’s fund completed (15th October)

#1 XDOGE BlindBoxes to be incubated by BunnyPark SaaS incubator (12th October)

XDOGE BlindBoxes will be launched through BunnyPark SaaS standardization system.

In the future, XDOGE BlindBoxes will be displayed on BunnyPark’s BlindBox section, alongside CryptoPlanet BlindBoxes and Angel BlindBoxes (to be launched).

Thanks to BunnyPark SaaS Incubation Program, more variety of BlindBox NFT gameplays and GameFi projects will be developed via a standard series of smart contracts.

BunnyPark team will prepare up to 5 million BP incubation fund to find and incubate outstanding developers and teams on BSC.

Please read this article for more information.

#2 BP Locked CropPool Launched (13th October)

#2 BP Locked CropPool Launched (13th October)

BP Locked CropPool is finally launched. Now, bunnies can enjoy higher APR by staking BP in this new pool.

For the bunnies who have not unstaked their BP in the previous Manual BP CropPool, kindly go to Pool > Finished section to unstake.

▪️️ How does the BP Locked CropPool work?

1. The amount can only be unstaked after 30 days (according to the block time: 864000 blocks).

2. Minimum amount required: 100 BP each time.

3. After 30 days, the amount must be reinvested in order to reactivate the output production from the pool.

4. Subsequent deposits will not affect the time of staking of the original deposit.

5. BP earned from the pool can be harvested at any time.

▪️️ Example:

If 100BP is staked on October 13, the same 100 BP can be unstaked after 864000 blocks (approx. 30 days, i.e., on 13th November).

On 14th October, an additional 200 BP is added to the pool. This will not affect the withdrawal time of the original 100 BP on 13th October, as each staking time is recorded separately.

Therefore, the unstaking time of the former 100 BP will be a month later on 13th November and the latter 200 BP on 14th November.

However, if the amount is not unstaked from the pool after the time is up, no interest will be generated. Please unstake and restake again in this BP Locked CropPool to enjoy the high APR continuously.

** Instructions and examples courtesy of Mr Huang (BunnyPark volunteer and user)

#3 A Total of 635,784 BP Repurchased with Team’s Fund Burned (14th October)

#3 A Total of 635,784 BP Repurchased with Team’s Fund Burned (14th October)

A total of 635,784 BP repurchased in the first week of October from the secondary market with Team’s fund is all burned.

Please refer here for the burn details.

Team’s Repurchase Plan will be carried out on a weekly basis where $500,000 to $1,000,000 from Team’s own fund will be used for the repurchase of BP from the secondary market at random timing. All repurchased BP will be burned.

More information about Team’s Repurchase plan can be found here.

#4 CAKE CropPool Output Reduction (14th October)

BunnyPark Team has been reducing BP output for CAKE CropPool in the past two weeks in line with the output reduction upgrade plan.

Here is the chronology of events:

5th October: 10% reduction

12th October: 20% reduction

14th October: 10% reduction (to take effect after 48 hours from the time of announcement)

BunnyPark has reduced a lot of conventional DeFi functions to focus on SaaS construction in the future.

#5 Second Week of BP Repurchase with Team’s Fund Completed (15th Oct)

#5 Second Week of BP Repurchase with Team’s Fund Completed (15th Oct)

The second week of repurchase with Team’s Fund with a whopping total of 784,356 BP (worth 500,000 USDT) from the secondary market was finally completed.

All of the repurchased BP will be burned in accordance with the BunnyPark (BP) Joint Repurchase Program.

Team will supply between 500,000 to 1,000,000 USDT weekly to repurchase BP to accelerate the burning progress in alignment with BP’s deflationary plan. There is no time limit to Team’s repurchase plan.

For more information about the repurchase, please refer here.

Official Sites and Contact Information:





Telegram Announcement Channel:https://t.me/BPann01

English Community: https://t.me/bunnyparkbsc01

Spanish Community: https://t.me/BunnyParkBSC_Spanish

German Community: https://t.me/BunnyParkBSC_German

Italian Community: https://t.me/BunnyParkBsc_IT

Turkish Community: https;//t.me/BunnyParkBsc_TR

Korean Community: https://t.me/BunnyParkBSC_Korean

Japanese: Community: https://t.me/BunnyPark_JPoffical

Arabic Community: https://t.me/BunnyParkArabic

Indian Community: https://t.me/BunnyPark_India

Vietnamese Community: https://t.me/BunnyPark_Vietnam

Indonesian Community: https://t.me/BunnyParkIndonesian_Official




Written by BunnyPark_bsc

BunnyPark, make blockchain happen everywhere. Official website: https://www.bunnypark.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/bunnyparkbsc01

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