BunnyPark Weekly Events: Adventure series BlindBox Card Drawing Function Temporarily Closed + Locked BP Pool Closed + New CropPool Launched + Adventure Bunny NFT Destruction Plan + Adventure Bunny Upgraded

4 min readDec 18, 2021


BunnyPark Weekly Events: Adventure series BlindBox Card Drawing Function Temporarily Closed + Locked BP Pool Closed + New CropPool Launched + Adventure Bunny NFT Destruction Plan + Adventure Bunny Upgraded

This week was an eventful week on BunnyPark. The team has made changes to Adventure Bunny and Pool section for the long term benefit of the platform. Let’s recap on the highlights of the week.

11th December to 17th December Event Highlights:

▪️ Adventure series BlindBox Card Drawing Function Temporarily Closed (13th December)

▪️ Locked BP CropPool closed (15th December)

▪️ New Stake BP, Earn BP CropPool Launched (15th December)

▪️ Adventure Bunny NFT Destruction Plan (17th December)

▪️ Adventure Bunny Upgraded (17th December)

#1 Adventure series BlindBox Card Drawing Function Temporarily Closed (13th December)

#1 Adventure series BlindBox Card Drawing Function Temporarily Closed (13th December)

On 13th December, the team tweeted that Adventure series card drawing function is temporarily closed for the upgrading to take place.

For the bunnies who wish to obtain Adventure Bunny and BabyBunny NFT cards, you may purchase them on BunnyPark Market.

Click on Menu > Market > select ‘Adventure card’ or BabyBunny card to make the purchase.

All other features on Adventure Bunny are not affected.

The Adventure series BlindBox card drawing function will resume after the NFT Destruction Plan is completed.

#2 Locked BP CropPool Closed (15th December)

#2 Locked BP CropPool Closed (15th December)

To further promote BP output reduction, Locked BP CropPool was closed (more on that on #3).

For the bunnies who have not unstaked their tokens from the pool, please go to the ‘Finished’ tab in the Pool section and click ‘-’ to unstake all the tokens.

#3 New Stake BP, Earn BP CropPool Launched (15th December)

#3 New Stake BP, Earn BP CropPool Launched (15th December)

A new Stake BP, Earn BP CropPool was launched on the same day the old Locked BP CropPool was closed.

If you are wondering about the difference between this new pool and the previous one in the ‘Finished’ tab, the BP rewards will be provided by the team instead of being minted.

Now, you can enjoy BP deflationary effects and earn more BP at the same time.

#4 Adventure Bunny NFT Destruction Plan (17th December)

The team hears you.

If you do not wish to use the same fleets for adventures in the future, you have the option to sell your Adventure Bunny NFTs on BunnyPark Market when the NFT Destruction Plan is carried out.

Destruction period: UTC 2021/12/18 0:00 ~ 2021/12/19 23:59

Destruction method:

During the destruction period, the team will announce the price (in BP) of repurchasing the NFTs at 0:00 UTC daily. As long as players put their NFTs on BP Market for sale equal or lower than the price set by the team, the team will repurchase the NFTs and destroy them.


1. Adventure Bunny (regardless of rarity levels): Combat Power * 1 USD worth of BP

2. Spaceship: Each seat * 25 USD worth of BP

3. Fleet: the price of spaceship plus remaining fuel * 0.025 USD worth of BP

Note: Newly minted fleets and fleets that have been refueled after the Twitter announcement will not be repurchased by the team according to the system’s discernment.

Hurry up!

#5 Adventure Bunny Upgraded (17th December)

#5 Adventure Bunny Upgraded

As promised, Adventure Bunny was finally upgraded on 17th December, within the stipulated time announced by the team.

To ensure long term sustainability of the game as well as to safeguard the players’ earnings, the Success Rate has been standardized to 97% across all cities whereas the Earnings of successful adventures have been adjusted so that the disparity between cities requiring low and high Combat Power are narrower.

Let me tell you a secret, bunnies. You do not need a KING ShareCard to achieve a 100% success rate now. All you need to do is to deploy six BabyBunnies to achieve the same effect.

Bon voyage!

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Written by BunnyPark_bsc

BunnyPark, make blockchain happen everywhere. Official website: https://www.bunnypark.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/bunnyparkbsc01

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